
What does “having it all” mean to you? Is it attainable?

Having it all. It’s a mirage which will keep you on your toes working day in day out only to find that it shifted to another place when you try to reach there, making it a vicious circle of expectation and despair leading to disquiet.

For example, consider water. It can assume any of the forms from solid, liquid or vapour. But remember only one at a time. It cannot be ‘having it all’ for a state of water. If it tries to do so, it will only get restive by not being able to do so even after repeated efforts at trying.

Another example a human. When we are kids, we think when we will be adults, it will be fun. Then teenagers want to be adults soon. After getting into the life of adults, we start missing the life of being a kid by remembering those days.

‘all’ is a very comprehensive word that still lacks the definition of that vastness. For me, being able to give time means attaining all, for others, being able to earn a living means all, and so on.

I believe that if ‘having it all’ keeps you on your toes, then wait a moment, look around and think twice, what are you really up to.

There’s a saying jitna prapt hai, wo paryapt hai. One must always weigh, what are you losing in an effort of ‘having it all’

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