Rise In Love

Rise In Love

If you are changing yourself in love, you are actually on a path of losing it.

Do not confuse adjustments with changing your personality.

Be what you are, not for yourself but for the person whom you are in love with as he or she loved you for what you are and not for the new person you are trying to become after being in love with.

Remember only you are not in love, so don’t change.

Mothers Day

Every year we celebrate Mother’s Day on the 2nd Sunday of May. Across all the social media, we all do see the posts on this subject where users are posing along with their mothers with the caption stating mother’s day wishes.

For me, Mother’s Day is just a symbolic day, how should we be feeling for our mothers throughout the year and not just one single day. Just posing and celebrating isn’t the true sense of this day. We all are grateful to our parents for bringing us to this beautiful world. The decision to bring us to their world was entirely their decision and it must always be respected. We carry their genes and pass it to the next generation, in the same way that is being followed right from the anadi till the anantkal.

On mother’s day, we must not only be respectful towards our biological mothers but also for those who nurthered us with the shower of their love and care at different times in our life.

Also must not forget to feel the gratitude towards mother nature and mother earth.

We all must take vows that we will revert our love towards our mother nature and mother earth by taking care not to harm them directly or indirectly.

Mother word in hindi means janani, which means who is capable of bringing life to existence. Its such a beautiful meaning, imagine a world, the absence of mother will lead to the disappearance of life.

Never forget in your life, the role of your biological mother, rearing mother and mother earth and mother nature. Your existence is questionable the day you ignore any of them.

Book out now RISE IN LOVE


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Rise in Love

Rise in Love by Dr Swati Singh

Rise in Love https://amzn.in/d/5wsCvkX

Presenting herewith the link to my book, a romantic fiction available on Amazon.

Please grab your copy and opine about my writing as this is my first book. Professionally I am a medical practitioner. I come across various people in my medical practice. These people have their own thinking and perspectives, I come across. These varied thoughts and emotions pushed me to write.

As I am also working on my next novel, which I may complete writing by June 2024, I sincerely need the feedback of experts. And who is a better person for this than my readers. Its a humble request to all, please provide your most sought feedback about my writing.

Rise In Love by Swati Singh

Presenting my first book, a romantic fiction #riseinlove which is live on amazon with link as under


You can order it by using the link.
I urge you all for the reviews and feedback as I am presently working on my next story. Your valuable feedback will definitely help me grow as a writer and improve my writing skills to be able to present my next love story in a better way.
As I am a practicing Doctor, a mother and a daughter, being a writer is my passion. I need your support in my journey as a writer.

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