Rise In Love

Rise In Love

If you are changing yourself in love, you are actually on a path of losing it.

Do not confuse adjustments with changing your personality.

Be what you are, not for yourself but for the person whom you are in love with as he or she loved you for what you are and not for the new person you are trying to become after being in love with.

Remember only you are not in love, so don’t change.

A feeling

Write about your first crush.

I never had a crush. I was very much inclined for a long term relationship since I was a teenager. I never felt attracted towards any person for their looks.

I admired my parents relationship and they were my ideal for it too. I could see how much they both were attracted towards each other. And I dreamt of the same for myself. So looks never dominated my mind.

My goal was to be in a relationship like my parents and hence I never had a crush on an individual. But you can say that my first crush was a feeling. Feeling of being in a healthy and hearty relationship with a guy forever.

My Own book among three

List three books that have had an impact on you. Why?

My first non academic read by great author Mr Chetan Bhagat was ‘One Indian Girl’. It really had a great impact, as I got inclined to non academic books after reading it

Second was ‘Think like a monk’ by Jay Shetty. It was really an awesome book which helped me to develop introspection and a positive attitude.

Third book in this list is my own creation Rise In Love which is available on AmazonRise in Love https://amzn.in/d/cbiGTR6

It’s my first creation in non academics. Also it happened to be the first but not the last. Presently I am working on another book, almost half of it is complete and I have many more ideas ready.

My Passion

What is your career plan?

My first fiction book RISE IN LOVE

I am in my fourth decade of my life journey, already a medical postgraduate, working for my patients. I am trying to establish myself as an author or writer. My first romantic fiction book is live on Amazon with link


Also I write on various platforms like word press and pratilipi. I am also working on my next love story.

I can say that already my career is established as a CMO, and I am struggling to establish as an author as well.

Book out now RISE IN LOVE


riseinlove #books are awaiting to be read by esteemed #readers The love story of Madhumita, which is not only a love story but an inspirational tale for Many young ladies out there. Every #teenage who is a college goer will see their reflection in the #characters of this book. Please grab your copies at @amazondotin with link as under


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Rise in Love

Rise in Love by Dr Swati Singh

Rise in Love https://amzn.in/d/5wsCvkX

Presenting herewith the link to my book, a romantic fiction available on Amazon.

Please grab your copy and opine about my writing as this is my first book. Professionally I am a medical practitioner. I come across various people in my medical practice. These people have their own thinking and perspectives, I come across. These varied thoughts and emotions pushed me to write.

As I am also working on my next novel, which I may complete writing by June 2024, I sincerely need the feedback of experts. And who is a better person for this than my readers. Its a humble request to all, please provide your most sought feedback about my writing.