A feeling

Write about your first crush.

I never had a crush. I was very much inclined for a long term relationship since I was a teenager. I never felt attracted towards any person for their looks.

I admired my parents relationship and they were my ideal for it too. I could see how much they both were attracted towards each other. And I dreamt of the same for myself. So looks never dominated my mind.

My goal was to be in a relationship like my parents and hence I never had a crush on an individual. But you can say that my first crush was a feeling. Feeling of being in a healthy and hearty relationship with a guy forever.

Your life, your way

If humans had taglines, what would yours be?

My tagline is already my blog address.

Your life, Your way.

Live your life as per your choice, your decisions and your responsibilities. Decide for yourself, make your decisions, follow them and whatever is the result, don’t be sorrowful. Conquer your fears.

Never interfere in others lives and don’t let others interfere with yours. Be a good companion but don’t try to command others.

Love others but don’t try to control them. Don’t force your loved ones to change. Never judge. Try to understand in fact.

What are the most important things needed to live a good life?

Tools for a beautiful life

To live a good life requires yourself to develop a good character.

A good character is developed by three tools and they are

Your health

Your knowledge

Your sanskar

All of these require a firm determination and commitment.

All these three you have to earn by your own efforts, they just can’t be imparted to you. Also you can’t snatch them. Once acquired, it still needs persistent efforts to maintain them. Once you make these tools the part of your personality, they give birth to your good character.

If you happens to have these, your life will be beautiful for sure.


If you had to change your name, what would your new name be?

My name was given to me by my elder brother and confirmed by my parents. Throughout my life, I have been called by my name and now, this word ‘Swati’ has got my emotions connected to. A

Although people say, ‘Whats in name’

But I as a Sanatani believe that the name  RAM has more powers than Lord RAMji himself.

I believe the name over the years represents the personality that you are. I am identified by this name and my good or bad deeds are associated with my name.

So, I never think of changing my name. If something like this has to happen, it would start when I was born, and only my parents could do this.

Fear of failure, driving and lizard

What fears have you overcome and how?

When I was a kid, I had fear of lizards which now I have overcome after being a mother. How can a mother pretend to be having fear in front of her children. Actually I am aware that lizards are not going to do anything to me, so I can stand where There are lizards in or around the house. This definitely has instilled courage in my children. A mother has to be strong to raise stronger kids.

When I did not know how to drive, I was fearful that I would not be able to drive properly on roads, that fear also got overcome. One of my seniors helped me in this matter. Dr kalpana Sood, she always used to say, your cognitive and motor skills are far better than any ordinary driver. You can go inside the abdomen and come out of a human with the patient in fine condition. When you can do surgeries, driving is trivial. That boosted my confidence and now I am a good driver.

Third fear was failure. I would always doubt that I may not be successful because there are many deserving candidates out there. My father motivated me to start the journey ignoring my fears. Now, I am a post graduate doctor, also in charge of a wellness centre and I try to give my best. Also I am open to improvements. lately  I am also a writer and author of a romantic fiction book, a blogger too. Now I don’t fear failure, whatever work I am assigned, I try to give my best, that’s the only thing I can do. Success or not, only time will tell, but time will tell only when the thing has been done.

I am a healer

Have you ever broken a bone?

The answer is no, neither mine nor of any other. Fortunately up till now, I have not been involved in any such activity.

But I have broken some age old traditions like the parda system in my family with the help of my mother.

I am a doctor and have helped others in healing their broken bones. Bones are as rigid as some age old traditions of your family. Some of these traditions are good, some are crippling like the parda system. So it’s better to break such traditions than breaking bones.

My mother herself never advocated it, but has to follow in her life. When I grew up, I motivated her and my paternal aunty to raise their voices. In our village, in a marriage they both decided to come out together  with out parda. Once they both did, they cleared the path for their future daughter in laws. Now neither my sister in law, nor my mother is following this.

Recently I saw a movie lapata ladies. It’s about the same issue. And I told my children, that your grandmother has already raised her voice against this and this has been eradicated from our family.

Liberation from fear of failure

What does freedom mean to you?

Freedom is a word that every person yearns around the globe and very rarely they get the real meaning of it. 

Children desire freedom from their parents control. Couples want freedom from other partners control. Those who are suffering from chronic health conditions, seek freedom from their health related issues. Some want freedom from the government system. Employees want freedom from time restrictions at work places. You can say whatever a person is having bothersome in his or her life, that person will start having a desire to have freedom from it.

Freedom is a common issue that is raised in all revolts. Today, here, I want to raise the issue of freedom in the context of its spiritual meaning. To be free from one’ s own fears.

In your life, you must have come across situations where you yourself stood with inaction due to a fear of failure, or fear of rejection. We all want freedom from this but are unable to take necessary steps.

Have you ever wondered, we are a living jail to our own self if we cannot work against our fears.

My Duty

Do you vote in political elections?

Yes of course, I do.

Being a citizen of our great nation India, I enjoy many rights. With rights comes responsibilities. Casting our vote is one such responsibility.

Democracy is for people only. If people defer from voting, then it doesn’t remain a democracy. I really don’t understand, why people do not vote. We have to select our representative. I have seen people complaining about all candidates, then a question arises, if you think that no one is capable enough, then why not you yourself give your candidature. We have a demand for a perfect person as our representative. But one must understand, that no man or woman can be perfect. Every person has their own flaws. And remember we have to select a better person. It’s not about the best, it’s better.

I believe and request each and every citizen, to evaluate who is a better candidate and must cast your vote.

When we enjoy our rights, we must sincerely follow our duties too.