Being calm

What’s your favorite thing about yourself?

Many of us when trapped in a stressful situation, are compelled to release their stress on family members. They start nagging at them, and family has to bear the brunt of whatever is wrong.

I remember a situation when we were going to my (mamaji) uncle’s place. We were following the Google map and were trapped in a narrow lane. There was a blockage in front and I had to reverse the whole almost 1 km narrow lane full of two wheelers on both sides.

I kept calm and quiet and managed to be out of that situation with patience.

My cousin was sitting with me along with my mother and kids. She said, that it’s very strange that in such a pathetic situation you were so calm. Had it been someone else in my place, there would have been a lot of yelling.

I can recollect many such situations that I keep calm when stressed. This is my favourite quality of mine. Never let my family bear the brunt of anything that is going wrong in life, instead take a decision and act on it to be out of it.

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