My Father’s Convincing Advice Made Me Grow

Describe a decision you made in the past that helped you learn or grow.

Life is about making decisions. And only time tells that the decision is right or wrong. On a daily basis we continue making decisions. Now, at this point of my life, when I look back, there are a lot of decisions that helped me in shaping life, allowing me to grow and believe me, this growth process is continuous.

The question here is to mention one such decision. Although it’s difficult to point at one such decision, I am trying to mention one decision that can be said to be the turning point because the paths were leading to different goals and I was at that time not aware even about my goals and the challenges its course had.

When I was doing my post-graduation, I got an interview call from UPSC CMS. I was not willing to appear as it was for a GDMO post and I was already doing my post-graduation. So I thought,it’s not worth going for an interview. My father convinced me to appear for the interview.

He told me that by appearing I will gain some experience and life is about gaining experience only. He suggested that appearing in front of the panel of UPSC in itself is a very good opportunity. Moreover he convinced me that it will be my choice later to join or not. I was not only convinced but also now felt excited.

I appeared and faced the interview. Later I got a call for a medical examination as I was among the selected candidates. I again appeared for the medical examination.

Then after completing my post-graduation, I joined my senior residency. Somehow, after around a few months of my senior residency, I decided to join my job of GDMO and not to enter into private practice as an Obstetrician and Gynecologist. I was not aware, what I wanted, being in a pvt practice lures every doctor but I just knew that I want to give time to my family specially offspring.

Now after more than a decade, I realise that it’s the best decision that helped me grow as an individual, as a doctor, as a mother, as a daughter. In this job, I have job satisfaction, I care about more than 70 patients a day and patients are not of a single speciality, but all specialties are covered. This made me grow as a medical practitioner.

I have time spared after my duty, which helped me grow as a mother, and a  daughter as I am able to take care of my ill parents and also my growing daughters.

This helped me grow as an individual, because I come across so many people and they all teach me something. It can be said that the decision to appear for the UPSC CMS interview was the decision that helped me grow in all aspects of life.

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