My Strength

Describe a positive thing a family member has done for you.

There is a list of things that the family members have done for me eg my father raised me into a confident adult. He provided all the opportunities to me and supported me throughout. He developed the kind of faith where a daughter always know, whatever it be, my father is always there for me.

My mother gave birth to me, loved me and raised me into an adult who is capable of doing all the outdoor as well as indoor activities.

Here I would like to describe in detail about one particular thing out of so many that my brother did for me and which had a positive impact in my life.

Its about taking care of all my pre medical form submissions. Although I was willing to get into medical College, I was a little careless in filling the forms and sending them in post. But my brother used to keep an eye and he was the person who used to motivate me  to fill those forms and then used to go and post them. You can say, I am a doctor because of his efforts only.

And believe me this is only one thing out of so many that he has done for me. You can say the list is endless.

My family is my strength.

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